How do I change the setpoint on a WT101 over BACnet?

This article will take you through the process of adding a WT101 valve from Milesight to your UG65 to adjust the temperature target of valve

This guide is going to take you through the process of adding a WT101 valve from Milesight to your UG65, then expose BACnet objects to your Niagara device over IP so that you can change the temperature target from a Niagara BACnet device. The guide assumes that you have added Milesight devices to a UG65 previously, so you would have the relevant applications (configured for BACnet/IP) and profiles setup to integrate this device (Class C OTAA as it is battery powered). If you need help getting the devices setup we have a guide that can be found HERE.

First thing you will want to do is using the Milesight Toolbox NFC app, setup the valve with the desired settings (poll rate, horizontal or vertical installation etc). Once you have done this, grab the Device EUI number from your valve ready to add it to your gateway.

Then we are going to setup your Payload Codec. In this case I am going to use the template for the WT101 from the gateway but will be adding an encoder. This allows us to push data down to the valve, which is what we will be configuring later using BACnet. It should look like the below:

Note: if you don’t have the device in the template drop down, you may need to obtain the devices using the button at the top of the page, or upgrade the gateways firmware.

We will then add a Payload Encoder, which can be copied from HERE.
Copy the above encoder from and paste it into the Payload Encoder Function box and hit save. This is payload codec we will use when setting up our device, I have called mine WT101_BACnet.

Now we need to go to the Device tab and add in the WT101. Give it a name, description, add in the Device EUI from earlier, as well as the Profile, Application and Codec we set up previously.

Milesight’s default app key is “5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823”

Then click Save & Apply.

You should then see the device come in, always best to check out the Packets tab to see if you can see any data being received from the valve by looking out for its Dev EUI in the right hand column.

Once you have checked out that you are getting data from your valve in the packets, you can move on to the BACnet side of this integration. Go to the Protocol Integration tab on the side bar, and then select the BACnet Server. Enable the Server and click Save.

Then move onto the BACnet Object tab and click Add under the BACnet Object header, which will open a pop-up for you to create a BACnet Object. Select Add, and then select your WT101.
All the objects that are defined in your payload codec will be selectable here in the LoRa object drop down, configured as shown below. Click Save and Apply.

You will now have an object called WT101.temperature_target. This should eventually update to the current target held on the valve once you have had a successful uplink.

Now that you have your server and object setup, we can now move over to workbench.

You will be able to discover your UG65 on your BACnet network (once you have setup the relevant IP details on the port). Within the UG65 BACnet device, the points that you have configured should be discoverable as below:



Then if you set the numeric writable to your desired setpoint and give it some time to allow the data to make its way to the valve and make it back to your BACnet server, you should see it change. You will need to be patient as the passage of the payloads can take a little while, so give it some time!



And that's it, valve setpoint changed using the BACnet server on your UG65.